Free download cheap project car
Free download cheap project car

free download cheap project car free download cheap project car

I more or less did what you want to do, i had owned 6 or 7 cars by the time i was 18 and only two were in my parents name. Whatever you do dont ask mom and dad for money, do it yourself and you will not only prove to them you have the ability, they wont be as bothered about you blowing money cause its your own. That and a lot of cheap project cars go through the local shops and you would be in a good position to pick up something you run across or maybe some junk from out back. The notion that you get a job at any local repair shop, you will learn so much and have experience under your belt for a decent wrenching job by the time your driving age. Im in Starkville, ms if you want to wrench on junk.turbo volvo goodness.

Free download cheap project car